FIMA Connect US 2024

December 04 - 05, 2024

Hilton West Palm Beach • West Palm Beach, FL

Kemi Nelson

VP Data Products and Strategy Liberty Mutual

Day Two - The Data Dynasty: Empowering Teams to Thrive in the Financial Data Age

9:00 AM KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The People Principle: Adaptive Leadership in Data Management

Data has been referred to as the new oil for many years and lately Generative AI has made this asset even more popular. Data is often seen as the information stored and the tools used to harness business value from it. However, data is also the people. People require access to data for it to be useful. Likewise, there is data stored within every employee—and data management needs to be inclusive of this source of knowledge. A diligent data practice is one that starts with the people and uses processes and tools to set the stage for successful maximization of the data asset.


Kemi Nelson, a leader in adaptive leadership in data, explains the importance of combining the needs of tech with the needs of people and how companies can better understand both sides of this.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Kemi.

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